Over 850 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - NJ Cleansweep 06/13

Give your Products Greater Visibility
with our Featured Listings.

Sell your product faster! - utilize this premium listing location for greater search-ability.

DOTmed offers thousands of pieces of equipment and parts to buyers all over the world. 90% of DOTmed users are end decision makers that are looking to buy. We understand that competing with dozens of other listings can be tough -- By improving your search capability, you can increase the exposure of your listing tenfold!

Optimize your listing.
Your listing is still a listing, meaning the style and content all remain the same. Being a featured listing just means you gain more visibility in the horizontal panel at the top of the list* for 3 consecutive days. (see picture)

Keep in mind...ONLY 3 listings are shown at a time per category...meaning there are only 3 spots available to be shown!


Next Available:
Cost per Upgrade Type
A La Carte
Pre Pay*
*Purchase Credits at a discount from your sales representative
This amount is dependent on the popularity of the category your listing.

As a DOTmed user, you have "credits" that you can use towards the purchase of a spot on our featured listings page. Credits are available for purchase a-la-carte at $1 per credit. You can reduce the cost of by purchasing credits in bulk! You can then use the credits to purchase your Featured Listing time.

Simply contact your Project Manager directly to purchase credits.

One Time Pack:

  1. Add 20 credits of Featured Listings for $16.
  2. Add 50 credits of Featured Listings for $40.
  3. Add 100 credits of Featured Listings for $70.

Monthly Pack:

  1. Add 20 credits of Featured Listings for only $14 per month.
  2. Add 50 credits of Featured Listings for only $30 per month.
  3. Add 100 credits of Featured Listings for only $50 per month.

DURATION: 3 days - Starting the following day at 12:00am so you get a full 72 hours

AVAILABILITY:If the 3 spots for the category your product is listed under is occupied, you can still submit your request to get the next available spot! When you submit your request to be put under the featured list, you will receive the most recent available date that your product will be placed under featured listings. *Only one request can be submitted at a time...multiple requests are declined. This gives everyone a fair chance to be included as Featured Listing.

AUTO RE-FEATURE: If you select this feature your listing will be Featured again at the earliest available time for a locked in price and continue to be Re-Featured at that price. Your credits will automatically be charged each time. The listing will not be featured if it is deleted or expired or if you do not have credits to use. Click here to stop this feature.

*Note that you can only feature your item once per renewal cycle.

To learn more, call: 212-742-1200 x 237 or email us at sales@dotmed.com